Great apps and resources for students with ADHD can be found below.
INTERVAL TIMER 50/50 APP – A helpful stop-watch style timing app that can help students keep track of time spent on homework, brushing teeth, eating meals, doing chores, watching TV, reading, and just about everything!
STAY ON TASK APP – Stay On Task is a simple, unobtrusive way to improve your focus and get your work done. It checks up on you randomly so you can’t predict when it will check in. Perfect for students who need to stay focused while doing independent work.
IPHONE REMINDERS APP – Use Reminders for projects, groceries, and anything else that you want to keep track of. You can set when and where you want to be reminded. You can also remind yourself to get back to something you’re doing in another app.
STREAKS APP – Every time you complete a task, your streak is extended. Working on something every day helps you form a new habit. Don’t break the chain, or your streak will reset to zero days. You can set the days so you don’t break your streak.
FOCUS @ WILL APP – Scientists have discovered that, depending on your personality type, there is a specific type of “music” that puts your brain into a “flow state” making you hyper-focused and exponentially more productive. This app chooses the right music for you.
PACIFICA APP – Provides relaxation techniques and guided meditation, mood and health tracking, thought journaling, appointment and homework reminders, clinical assessments and guided self-help paths. Pacifica engages with students, before, during and after treatment.
Ready to Make a Change?
Educating children with ADHD is no easy task. Know that you are not alone. Please enlist the help of our school to find the right plan and solution for your child.